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Baptisms & Confirmations

Baptism is available for children, young people and adults, sometimes known as Christening, marks a new beginning of Christian life. That journey to faith may already have been long, dramatic sometimes difficult or convoluted but this service provides us with a way in which we become full members of God's church.

Baptism at the Cathedral can be arranged for babies, children and adults who live within the Cathedral parish boundaries (a small area of the city centre) or

    • who are regular attendees, members of the Cathedral Community
    • have a strong pastoral reason which will be considered by the Canon Precentor (the Dean making the final decision).

If you qualify through the latter category, you will then be required to consult your local Church of England parish where you live before a Baptism can be arranged.

Those who approach the Cathedral but who do not fit into the above criteria will be encouraged to become part of the Cathedral Community before making a formal request for Baptism.

Baptism normally takes place for children on designated Sundays (approximately 4-6 times per year) during the main 10.30am morning Eucharist. We try to publish dates at least 6 months in advance. Baptism for young people and adults normally takes place as part of the Diocesan Confirmation services which take place throughout the year. To receive an application form please email the Cathedral Office.

On return of the completed paperwork the Canon Precentor will arrange for a Baptism Preparation session. There is no fee for baptism but we encourage you to make a generous thank offering in the collection during the service, using wherever possible the Gift Aid envelopes provided. For more information, including information concerning Godparents and alternative services (such as a service to renew Baptismal promises, or a service of Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child), please email the Cathedral Office.