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The Redemption Windows

Created by artist Thomas Denny, the Redemption Windows are situated in St Katherine's Chapel, close to Richard III's Tomb.

The two windows, installed in 2016, use scenes inspired by the life of Richard III to depict key themes and verses of the Bible, enabling us to reflect upon the stories of our own lives and universal themes.

There are many recurring images that feature in varying ways - figures, woods and trees; churches, castles and horses; and a wealth of fascinating local details relating to both our city and county (including a football added immediately before installation celebrating Leicester City Football Club's Premier League win).

As you face the two windows, the west window is on the left and the east on the right. Each window consists of three main vertical panels, or lights, with smaller sections of tracery (an openwork pattern of masonry) above, and an eyelet to each side.

Redemption Windows at Leicester Cathedral from Alex J. Wright on Vimeo.