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Richard III in Video

A series of videos documenting the history of the reinterment of King Richard III at Leicester Cathedral.

Choosing the Stone

The Revd Pete Hobson, Project Director, and Josh McCosh, Architect, discuss the chosen piece of Swaledale Fossil stone for the Tomb of King Richard III.

The Making of the Coffin

A short film showing the choosing of the wood for the coffin of King Richard III and the coffin being put together with dowels.

Cathedral Transformation

Footage of parts of the work to create the space for the reinterment of King Richard III. It begins with the lifting of the old memorial stone and its removal and shows stalls being removed and the floor dug up and the tomb lined ready. There is no commentary, although conversations between the workers are audible in places.

Richard - Carol Ann Duffy

The Very Revd David Monteith, then-Dean of Leicester, reads Richard by Carol Ann Duffy.

The poet laureate's eulogy, written for Richard III's re-interment at Leicester Cathedral, was read by Benedict Cumberbatch (the third cousin of King Richard III, 16 times removed) at the Service of Reinterment in 2015.

My bones, scripted in light, upon cold soil,
a human braille. My skull, scarred by a crown,
emptied of history. Describe my soul
as incense, votive, vanishing; your own
the same. Grant me the carving of my name.

These relics, bless. Imagine you re-tie
a broken string and on it thread a cross,
the symbol severed from me when I died.
The end of time – an unknown, unfelt loss –
unless the Resurrection of the Dead …

or I once dreamed of this, your future breath
in prayer for me, lost long, forever found;
or sensed you from the backstage of my death,
as kings glimpse shadows on a battleground.

Greyfriars – The First Burial Site

A computerised reconstruction of what Greyfriars might have looked like. There is no commentary.

The Service of Reinterment

Brief highlights of the Service of Reinterment on 26 March 2015, when Richard's coffin was placed in the new tomb created for him in Leicester Cathedral with due pomp and ceremony. Followed by reaction from The Right Revd Tim Stevens, then-Bishop of Leicester, The Very Revd David Monteith, then-Dean of Leicester, Philippa Langley, head of the Looking for Richard project, and Sir Peter Soulsby, Mayor of Leicester.

Film by Alex J Wright.

The Making of the Redemption Windows

Tom Denny, the designer of the two new Richard III windows in St Katharine's Chapel at Leicester Cathedral, talks about the process of designing and making the windows.

Video by Alex J Wright.

King Richard's Prayer

Images from the Denny Windows with a reading by Tom Denny of King Richard's own prayer. Video by Alex J Wright.

The Book of Hours

A film by Pukaar News about the Book of Hours of Richard III coming to Leicester for the Reinterment. With Janet Atkinson, Senior Curator of Lambeth Palace Library, and The Very Revd David Monteith, then-Dean of Leicester.

How do you bury a medieval king?

The Revd Pete Hobson, the Richard III project director, and The Very Revd David Monteith, then-Dean of Leicester, talk about the experience of organising the reburial and the changes made to the Cathedral for it.

Past, Present and Future | Leicester Cathedral Through the Ages

Created by the Digital Archaeology Department of De Montfort University with plans from VHh, here you can journey through time to see the development of buildings on our grounds over more than 1,500 years, from Roman Leicester right up to the present, and then including what we hope to do next!

Music: The Cathedral Choir singing Nunc Dimittis from their CD, He Lieth Under this Stone.