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Guild of St Katharine

The Guild of St Katherine

Members of the Choir singing in Canterbury Cathedral in 2022.

Celebrating and supporting music at Leicester Cathedral.

Music is at the very heart of cathedral life and shapes our worship through the varied seasons of the liturgical year. Music plays an important part in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment, ensuring that visitors to the Cathedral feel at home at regular services, concerts and other events.

The commitment and dedication of our music staff, choir members and their families mean that we already enjoy high standards of music making, but we know that – with more resources – we can aim even higher and reach even more of the people of Leicester and Leicestershire.

For many children, the journey begins in primary school as part of our singing programme DioSing, where they experience not only the joy of music making but also the many secondary benefits that music education brings, helping them to focus, and to develop social skills, self-expression, and self-confidence. For those who go on to join the Cathedral Choir, the journey can be life-changing, creating life-long passions for music, shaping academic paths, and even professional careers.

With your generous support, we can extend singing lessons to all our young singers, offer our young choristers music instrument tuition, create more choral scholarships for people of university age, and strengthen the back row of the choir with more professional adult singers.

By giving regularly, or making a one-off donation, you will become part of a new group of supporters that will help ensure that our music thrives.